Sunday, December 14, 2008

God DOES answer prayers. Are you ready for his answer?

Today, we had a Birthday Party for Jesus with the children's church. Normally, my two boys are regular attenders and Kylie attends when she is with her dad. Kylie's grandmother and I planned the party and invited another lady's granddaughter to come.

While I was fixing the plates of food, I saw some other children walking up and said to myself, "Oh no, we do not have goody bags for them." So I met the grandmother (Bea) at the door and told her what we were doing and explained that we didn't have gifts for everyone, but we'd figure it out. Well, she wasn't going to let her grand babies feel left out, so she started to take them out. I told her that they wouldn't be left out. The rest of the conversation does not need to be repeated, but we were both offended.

If you know me, you know that I am tenderhearted. I began to cry for many reasons, but deep down I did not want this precious lady to be hurt. I spoke to Kylie's grandmother and she got more goody bags for the three girls. There was enough food. All the children had a great time.

I went back to the service crying. Honestly, I was stewing and was having a hard time getting over it. I asked the Lord to help me forgive her. That's the right thing do to, am I correct? The lady ministering today was talking about walking in the love. Was I loving this lady who offended me?

At the end of the service, Denise called Bea up to be prayed for. Bea has been under a lot of pressure. She called Pastor Laural up to pray too. I stood up to help Bea with the baby, but Denise told me that she wanted me to lay hands on Bea and minister to her.

As I stood before Bea, I knew that I could not minister to her with unforgiveness in my heart. I started crying all over again. I hugged Bea and told her I was sorry and asked her forgiveness. She also apologized and asked for my forgiveness. Denise looked at me because she wasn't finished yet, but I explained that we had to take care of some business before I could pray for her.

I told the Lord I didn't know what I could say to encourage her with what transpired between us. But as we forgave each other, the Lord gave me the words that he used to encourage her. I willingly laid hands on Bea and prayed. God answered my prayer and helped me forgive.

It made me laugh to realize that God put me in a position to forgive before I could stew for long and let the matter get out of control. I really just wanted to deal with it privately, but God knew what was best for us today.

We have a good God.


Mimi said...

I love this story, Mary.

Christy said...

Thank you for this, Mary.

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