Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lunch Bunch

Today, I packed my first school lunch. At Jonathan's preschool, they have Lunch Bunch the first Wednesday of each month. This month I reserved his spot. I really wasn't sure how it would go today because Wednesday is Chapel day too. Some background here is that there is usually a puppet or two at Chapel and Jonathan does not like puppets. Needless to say, Wednesday mornings can be trying for mama. But we made it to school on time and the crying had stopped before we got there.

Lunch Bunch is a time for the kids to stay after school, eat lunch with their friends and then play until 1 pm. I packed the lunch with Jonathan's favorites:

Turkey and mayonnaise sandwich
Yellow chips (aka Lays)
Apple Juice

I didn't think he'd eat it though because he claims to not be hungry after school and his snack is "lunch" to him. I warned the teacher that he may not eat it and that would be okay.

When I picked him up today, I was informed that he had eaten all of this lunch. And that the kids were cute socializing while eating lunch. Jonathan was excited because he met some new friends today. So, my first school lunch was a success! And my baby is growing up!


Mimi said...

Awww, sweet!

sweetsong32 said...

Awww! I am glad his first 'lunch bunch' was a success! :=) Watching our children grow up is a double-edged side is thrilled and happy for them...the other side sad that they are no longer young or need us like they once did.

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